Andrew Sherratt, ScD (Professor of Old World Prehistory, University of Sheffield)
Andrew Sherratt, ScD (Professor of Old World Prehistory, University of Sheffield)
Menze, B.H., J.A. Ur and Sherratt A.G
2006, 'Detection of Ancient Settlement Mounds: Archaeological Survey Based on the SRTM Terrain Model', Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 72:321-7.
Raftery, B., P.-M. Duval, O.-H. Frey, G. Kaenel, V. Kruta, M. Ryan, A. Sherratt and M. Szabo (eds)
1990, Celtic Art, Paris: Flammarion/UNESCO.
Sherratt, A.
2007, 'Diverse origins: regional contributions to the genesis of farming', in S. Colledge and J. Conolly (eds), The origins and spread of domestic plants in southwest Asia and Europe, Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
2006, 'Portages: a simple but powerful idea in understanding human history', 1-13 in C. Westerdahl (ed.), The Significance of Portages. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Significance of Portages, 29th Sept-2nd Oct 2004, in Lyngdal, Vest-Agder, Norway, Oxford: BAR International Series 1499.
2006, 'The Trans-Eurasian Exchange: the prehistory of Chinese relations with the West', in V. Mair (ed.), Contact and exchange in the ancient world, Honolulu: Hawaii University Press.
2006, 'La traction animale et la transformation de l?Europe néolithique', in P. Pétrequin, R-M. Arbogast, A-M. Ptrequin, S. van Willigen and M. Bailly (eds), Premiers chariots, premiers araires. La diffusion de la traction animale en Europe pendant les IVe et IIIe millénaires avant notre ére, Paris: CNRS Editions. PDF file of the English text: Animal traction and the transformation of Europe
2006, 'Crete, Greece and the Orient in the Thought of Gordon Childe (with an Appendix on Toynbee and Spengler: The Afterlife of the Minoans in European Intellectual History)', 107-26 in Y. Hamilakis and N. Momigliano (eds), Archaeology and European Modernity: Producing and Consuming the ?Minoans?, : Creta Antica vol. 7..
2005, 'The View from Mount Nebo', 441-4 in T. E. Levy and T. Higham (eds), The Bible and Radiocarbon Dating: Archaeology, Text and Science, London and Oakville: Equinox.
2005, 'TransTaurus: early connections between central and southeast Anatolia', Anatolian Archaeology, 11:24-6.
2005, 'Wagen, Pflug, Rind: ihre Ausbreitung und Nutzung Probleme der Quelleninterpretation', in S. Burmeister and M. Fansa (eds), Rad und Wagen. Der Ursprung einer Innovation. Wagen im Vorderen Orient und Europa, Mainz: von Zabern.
2005, 'Settling the Neolithic: a digestif', 140-6 in D. Bailey, A. Whittle and V. Cummings (eds), (Un)settling the Neolithic, Oxford: Oxbow Books.
2005, '100 years ago?', Anatolian Archaeology, 11:37.
'Spotting tells from space', Antiquity: Project Gallery, 78 No. 301, . http://antiquity.ac.uk/ProjGall/sherratt/.
2004, 'Strabo's isthmus', Anatolian Archaeology, 10:30-1.
2004, 'The importance of lake-dwellings in European prehistory', 267-76 in F. Menotti (ed.), Living on the Lake in Prehistoric Europe. 150 Years of Lake-Dwelling Research, London: Routledge.
2004, 'Fractal Farmers: patterns of Neolithic origins and dispersal', in J. Cherry, C. Scarre and S. Shennan (eds), Explaining Social Change: studies in honour of Colin Renfrew, Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
2004, 'Material Resources, Capital, and Power: The Coevolution of Society and Culture', in G. Feinman and L. Nicholas (eds), Archaeological perspectives on political economies, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
2003, 'The Baden (Pécel) culture and Anatolia', in P. Raczky and E. Jerem (eds), Morgenrot der Kulturen: Frühe Etappen der Menschheitsgeschichte in Mittel- und Südosteuropa, Budapest: Archaeolingua.
2003, 'The horse and the wheel: the dialectics of change in the circum-Pontic and adjacent areas, 4500-1500 BC', in M. Levine, C. Renfrew and K. Boyle (eds), Prehistoric Steppe Adaptation and the Horse, Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
2002, 'Darwin anong the archaeologists: the John Evans nexus and the Borneo caves', Antiquity, 76:151-7.
2002, 'End of story?', in P. Slack and R. Ward (eds), The Peopling of Britain; the shaping of a human landscape, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2001, 'World History: An Archaeological Perspective', in Sølvi Sogner (ed.), Making Sense of Global History: The Nineteenth International Congress of the Historical Sciences Oslo 2000 Commemorative Volume, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
2000, 'Envisioning global change: a long-term perspective', in R. Denemark, J. Friedman and B. Gills (eds), World System History: the social science of long-term change, London: Routledge.
2000, 'The Athens of the North', Meddelelser fra Klassisk Arkeologisk Forening, 47:9-15.
1999, 'Czy Gordon Childe miaƚ racjȩ', in J. Lech (ed.), V Gordon Childe i Archeologia w XX Wieku, Warsaw: .
1999, 'Cash-crops before cash: organic consumables and trade', in C. Gosden and J. Hather (eds), The Prehistory of Food: appetites for change, London: Routledge.
1999, 'The Thak hypothesis: a prestige-goods model for early hominine behaviour', Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 9(2):277-88.
1999, 'Creations of Mind', Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 9(1):154-60. Review Article
1999, 'Echoes of the Big Bang: the historical context of language dispersal', in K. Jones-Bley <i>et al</i>. (eds), Proceedings of the Tenth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, LA May 1998 (Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series No 32), Washington, D.C.: Institute for the Study of Man.
1999, 'Instrumente des Wandels? Die Rolle der Megalithen beim Übergang vom Meso- zum Neolithikum in Nordwesteuropa', in K.W. Beinhauer and Ch. E. Guksch (eds), Studien zur Megalithik: Forschungsstand und ethnoarchäologische Perspektiven, Weissbach: Verlag Beier & Beran.
1998, Between Evolution and History: long-term change in human societies, Boston: Boston University. Preprint: Human Context and Society Lectures
1998, 'Hindsight and foresight: preserving the past for the future', Antiquity, 72:699-702.
1998, 'Points of exchange: late Neolithic monuments in the Morbihan', in A. Gibson and D. Simpson (eds), Prehistoric Ritual and Religion, Gloucester: Alan Sutton.
1998, 'Gordon Childe: Right or Wrong?', Archaeologia Polona, 35/6:363-78.
1998, 'The human geography of Europe: a prehistoric perspective', in R. Dodgshon and R. Butlin (eds), An Historical Geography of Europe, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
1997, Economy and society in prehistoric Europe: changing perspectives , Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
1997, 'Troy, Maikop, Altyn Depe: Early Bronze Age urbanism and its periphery', in V. M. Masson (ed.), Majkopskaya Kultura-fenomen Drevnej Istorii Kavkaza i Vostochnoj Evropy, Petersburg: . in Russian
1997, 'Climatic cycles and behavioural revolutions: the emergence of modern humans and the beginning of farming', Antiquity, 71:271-87.
1996, '"Settlement patterns" or "landscape studies": cycles of reason and romance', Archaeological Dialogues, 3(2):140-59.
1996, 'Flying up with the souls of the dead', British Archaeology, 15:14.
1996, 'Why Wessex? The Avon route in later British prehistory', Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 15(2):211-34.
1996, 'Childeish questions', Antiquity, 70:491-500. Editorial to No. 269
1996, 'Das sehen wir auch den Rädern ab: some thoughts on M. Vosteen's "Unter die Räder gekommen"', Archäologische Informationen, 19(1-2):155-72.
1996, 'Agricultural and pastoral societies, 3000-700 BC', 37-43 in A.H. Dani and J.-P. Mohen (eds), History of Humanity: scientific and cultural development, Paris & London: UNESCO (UNESCO History of Mankind, 2nd ed.) & Routledge.
1996, 'Plate tectonics and imaginary prehistories; structure and contingency in agricultural origins', 130-40 in D. Harris (ed.), Origins and Spread of Agriculture, London: UCL Press.
1996, 'Linking Wessex with three rivers Avon', British Archaeology, 20:6.
1995, 'Reconstructing prehistoric farming', 61-76 in M. Kunst (ed.), Origens, Estruturas e Relaçoes das Culturas Calcolíticas da Península Ibérica, Torres Vedras: Instituto Português do Património (Trabalhos de Arqueologia 7).
1995, 'Reviving the grand narrative: Archaeology and long-term change', Journal of European Archaeology, 3(1):1-32. David Clarke Memorial Lecture, University of Cambridge, May 1995
1995, 'Introduction: Peculiar Substances', 1-10 in A. Sherratt, J. Goodman and P. Lovejoy (eds), Consuming Habits: drugs in history and Anthropology, London: Routledge.
1995, 'Alcohol and its alternatives: symbol and substance in early Old World cultures', 11-46 in A. Sherratt, J. Goodman and P. Lovejoy (eds), Consuming Habits: drugs in history and Anthropology, London: Routledge.
1995, 'Instruments of conversion: the role of megaliths in the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in north-west Europe', Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 14(3):245-60. Symposium paper for Vergleichende Studien zur Megalithik: Forschungsstand und ethnoarchäologische Perspektiven, Mannheim 1992
1995, 'Fata Morgana: illusion and reality in Greek-barbarian relations', Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 5.1§:139-56.
1994, 'The emergence of elites: earlier Bronze Age Europe 2500-1300 BC', 244-76 in B, Cunliffe (ed.), The Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1994, 'Postscript', 347 in C. Mathers and S. Stoddart (eds), Development and Decline in the Mediterranean Bronze Age, Sheffield: Sheffield Archaeolgical Monographs 8.
1994, 'The transformation of early agrarian Europe: the later Neolithic and Copper Ages 4500-2500 BC', 167-201 in B. Cunliffe (ed.), The Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1994, 'Alice in Wonderland', Oxford Magazine, 110:8-10. A history of the hookah
1994, 'Core, periphery and margin: perspectives on the Bronze Age', 335-45 in C. Mathers and S. Stoddart (eds), Development and Decline in the Mediterranean Bronze Age, Sheffield: Sheffield Archaeological Monographs 8.
1993, 'Who are you calling peripheral? Dependence and independence in European prehistory', 245-55 in F. Healy and C. Scarre (eds), Trade and Exchange in Prehistoric Europe, Oxford: Oxbow.
1993, 'The relativity of theory', 119-30 in N. Yoffee and A. Sherratt (eds), Archaeological Theory Who Sets The Agenda?, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1993, 'Ancestors for the Tombs?', Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 12(1):127-8.
1993, 'What would a Bronze Age world system look like? Relations between temperate Europe and the Mediterranean in later prehistory', Journal of European Archaeology, 1(2):1-57.
1993, 'Archaeology and post-textuality', Antiquity, 67:295.
1992, 'What can archaeologists learn from Annalistes?', in B. Knapp (ed.), Archaeology, Annales and Ethnohistory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1991, 'Palaeoethnobotany: from crops to cuisine', 221-36 in F. Queiroga and A. Dinis (eds), Paleoecologia e Arqueologia II, Vila Nova de Famalicao: Centro de Estudos Famalicenses.
1991, 'Sacred and profane substances: the ritual use of narcotics in later Neolithic Europe', 50-64 in P. Garwood, D. Jennings, R. Skeates and J. Toms (eds), Sacred and Profane: Proceedings of a conference on archaeology, ritual and religion, Oxford: Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monographs 32.
1990, 'The genesis of megaliths: monumentality, ethnicity and social complexity in Neolithic north-west Europe', World Archaeology, 22(2):147-67.
1990, 'Gordon Childe: patterns and paradigms in prehistory', Australian Archaeology, 30:3-13.
1989, 'V. Gordon Childe: archaeology and intellectual history', Past and Present, 125:151-85.
1988, 'Review of A.C. Renfrew, Archaeology and Language', Current Anthropology, :458-63.
1987, 'Two new books on early European agriculture', Scottish Archaeological Review, 4:134-7. Review article
1987, '"Ear-rings" again', Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 6:119.
1987, 'Cups that cheered', 81-106 in W. Waldren and R. Kennard, (eds), Bell Beakers of the Western Mediterranean: the Oxford International Conference 1986, Oxford: BAR.
1987, 'The Early Bronze Age Pottery', 429-76 in C. Renfrew, M. Gimbutas and E. Elster, (eds), Excavations at Sitagroi, a prehistoric village in northeast Greece, Vol. 1, Los Angeles: University of California, Monumenta Archaeologia 13.
1987, 'Neolithic exchange systems in central Europe', 193-204 in G. Sieveking and M. Newcomer (eds), The Human Uses of Flint and Chert, Cambrdige: Cambridge University Press.
1987, 'Wool, wheels and ploughmarks: local developments or outside introductions in Neolithic Europe?', Bulletin of the London University Institute of Archaeology, 23(1986):1-15.
1987, 'Warriors and traders: Bronze Age chiefdoms in central Europe', 54-66 in B. Cunliffe (ed.), Origins: the roots of European Civilisation, London: BBC publications.
1986, 'Two new finds of wooden wheels from later Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Europe', Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 5:243-8.
1986, 'The Radley "ear-rings" revised', Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 5:61-6.
1985, Ancient Times: an Archaeological Map and Timescale, Oxford: Ashmolean Museum.
1984, 'The development of Neolithic and Copper Age settlement in the Great Hungarian Plain, Part II: Site survey and settlement dynamics', Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 2(1):13-41.
1984, 'Social Evolution: Europe in the Later Neolithic and Copper Age', 123-34 in J. Bintliff (ed.), European Social Evolution, Bradford: Bradford University.
1983, 'The development of Neolithic and Copper Age settlement in the Great Hungarian Plain, Part I: The regional setting', Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 1:287-316.
1983, 'Early Agrarian settlement in the Körös region of the Great Hungarian Plain', Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 35:155-69.
1983, 'A newly discovered La Téne sword and scabbard', Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 2:115-8.
1983, 'The Eneolithic period in Bulgaria in its European context', 188-98 in A.G. Poulter (ed.), Ancient Bulgaria (Vol 1), Nottingham: Nottingham University.
1983, 'The secondary exploitation of animals in the Old World', World Archaeology, 15(1):90-104.
1982, 'Mobile resources: settlement and exchange in early agricultural Europe', 13-26 in A.C. Renfrew and S.J. Shennan, (eds), Ranking, Resource and Exchange, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1982, The prehistoric settlement-history of the Great Hungarian Plain, Washington: National Geographic Research Reports.
1982, 'Colloqium on Prehistoric Settlement Patterns around the southern North Sea: Concluding Remarks', Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia, 15:182-3.
1981, 'Plough and pastoralism: aspects of the secondary products revolution', 261-305 in N. Hammond, I. Hodder and G. Isaac, (eds), Pattern of the Past Studies in honour of David Clarke, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1980, 'Water, soil and seasonality in early cereal cultivation', World Archaeology, 11 (3):313-330.
1979, 'Problems in European Prehistory', in D.L. Clarke, Analytical Archaeologist, London: Academic Press.
1978, 'Prehistoric Europe and Near East', in G. Barraclough (ed.), Times Atlas of World History, London: Times Books.
1976, 'Resources, technology and trade; an essay in early metallurgy', 557-581 in I. Longworth, G. Sieveking. and K. Wilson (eds), Problems in Social and Economic Archaeology, London: Duckworth.
1976, The Beginning of the Bronze Age in South-East Europe, PhD Dissertation: University of Cambridge.
1973, 'The explanation of change in European prehistory', 419-428 in A.C. Renfrew (ed.), The Explanation of Cultural Change, London: Duckworth.
1972, 'Socio-economic and demographic models for the Neolithic and Bronze Age of Europe', 477-542 in D.L. Clarke (ed.), Models in Archaeology, London: Methuen.
1965, 'Hayman Rooke FSA: an eighteenth century Nottinghamshire antiquary', Transactions of the Thoroton Society, 69:4-18.
Sherratt, A. (ed.)
1980, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Archaeology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Editor; author of articles on 'The craft of archaeology', 'The revolution in archaeology', 'The beginnings of agriculture in the Near East and Europe', 'Prehistoric Europe' and 'Synthesis and interpretation : a personal view'
Sherratt, A. and B. Raffery
1990, 'Celtic Art in Britain and Ireland', in B. Raftery, P.-M. Duval, O.-H. Frey, G. Kaenel, V. Kruta, M. Ryan, A. Sherratt and M. Szabo (eds), Celtic Art, Paris: Flammarion/UNESCO.
Sherratt, A. and E.S. Sherratt
2001, 'Technological change in the East Mediterranean Bronze Age: capital, resources and marketing', in A. Shortland (ed.), The Social Context of Technological Change, Oxford: Oxbow.
1998, 'Small worlds: interaction and identity in the ancient Mediterranean', in E.H. Cline and D. Harris-Cline (eds), The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium, Liege: Aegaeum 18.
1993, 'The growth of the Mediterranean economy in the early first millennium BC', World Archaeology, 24(3):361-78.
1991, 'From luxuries to commodities: the nature of Mediterranean Bronze Age trading systems', 351-86 in N. Gale (ed.), Bronze Age Trade in the Mediterranean, Jonsered: SIMA.
1991, 'Urnfield Reflections', Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 1(2):247-53. Review article on James et al. Centuries of Darkness
1988, 'The archaeology of Indo-European: an alternative view', Antiquity, 62(236):584-95.
Sherratt, A. and Sherratt, S.
2008, 'The Neolithic of Crete, as seen from outside', 291-302 in V. Isaakidou and P.D. Tomkins (eds), Escaping the labyrinth: the Cretan neolithic in context, Sheffield studies in Aegean archaeology 8 Oxford: Oxbow.
Sherratt, A. and T. Taylor
1989, 'Metal vessels in Bronze Age Europe and the context of Vulchetrun', 106-34 in J. Best and N. de Vries (eds), Thracians and Mycenaeans, Leiden: Brill.
Sherratt, A., C. Roughley and C. Shell
2002, 'Past records, new views: Carnac 1830-2000', Antiquity, 76:218-23.
Sherratt, A., E.S. Sherratt, J.D. Hawkins and D.F. Easton
2002, 'Troy in recent perspective', Anatolian Studies, 52:75-109.
Sherratt, A., J. Goodman and P. Lovejoy (eds)
1995, Consuming Habits: drugs in history and Anthropology, London: Routledge.
Sherratt, A., Menze B.H. and Mühl, S.
2007, 'Virtual survey on north Mesopotamian tell sites by means of satellite remote sensing', 5-29 in B. Ooghe and G. Verhoeven (eds), Broadening Horizons: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Landscape Stud, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sherratt, A., Menze B.H. and Ur, J.A.
2005, 'Tell spotting: surveying Near Eastern settlement mounds from space', 458-62 in S. Dequal (ed.), Proceedings of the 20th CIPA International Symposium (International Cooperation to Save the World’s Heritage), Torino: CIPA. PDF file: http://cipa.icomos.org/fileadmin/papers/Torino2005/458.pdf
Sherratt, A., V. Dergachev and O. Larina
1991, 'Recent results of Neolithic research in Moldavia (USSR)', Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 10(1):1-16.
Yoffee, N. and A. Sherratt
1993, 'Introduction: the sources of archaeological theory', 1-9 in N. Yoffee and A. Sherratt (eds), Archaeological Theory Who Sets The Agenda?, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Yoffee, N. and A. Sherratt (eds)
1993, Archaeological Theory Who Sets The Agenda?, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.